Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Green Palace Apartment in Kalibata City, the Indonesia's first Anami

Following their success in developing Rusunami, PT Pradani Sukses Abadi – member of Synthesis Development of Agung Podomoro Group, presents their latest residential projects: GREEN PALACE APARTMENT.

Located in KALIBATA CITY, this project is the Indonesia’s first ANAMI – Apartemen Sederhana Milik (Low Budget Apartment with Ownership Title) project which is in line with developer’s commitment in providing more affordable dwellings for urban people. With concept of “BACK TO THE CITY” and targeting upper-low and middle segment, the ANAMI will feature better and more various facilities such as volley ball field, basketball field, tennis lawn, swimming pool, religious buildings as well as commercial, education and health facilities.

Green Environment at ANAMI Green Palace Apartment - Kalibata City
Drop Off at ANAMI Green Palace Apartment, Kalibata City
Swimming pool and Green Environment at ANAMI Green Palace Apartment, Kalibata City

The price of GREEN PALACE starts from Rp 115 millions (approximately US $10,454) per unit. It is hoped that the ANAMI will be an alternative for people to have a house since RUSUNAMI KALIBATA RESIDENCES and KALIBATA REGENCY have been sold out.
Site Plan of Green Palace Apartment - ANAMI at Kalibata City

Typical Plan of Green Palace Apartment - ANAMI at Kalibata City

Green Palace Apartment - ANAMI at Kalibata City: 1 Bedroom Unit
Green Palace Apartment - ANAMI at Kalibata City: 2 Bedroom Unit
Green Palace Apartment - ANAMI at Kalibata City: 3 Bedroom Unit